International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
The International Journal of Design is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to publishing research papers in all fields of design, including industrial design, visual communication design, interface design, animation and game design, architectural design, urban design, and other design related fields. It aims to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and findings from researchers across different cultures and encourages research on the impact of cultural factors on design theory and practice. It also seeks to promote the transfer of knowledge between professionals in academia and industry by emphasizing research in which results are of interest or applicable to design practices.
Abstracting/Indexing: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Scopus, ProQuest ABI INFORM, ProQuest Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI), Ergonomics Abstracts, EBSCO Computers and Applied Sciences DatabaseArchiving: Web Archives of The United States Library of Congress
Vol. 18(3) December 2024 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Design in and for the Public Sector

Enabling Relational Adaptation: Flipping the Script in Public Service Design
Audun Formo Hay
, Josina Vink
, Daniela Sangiorgi

Renegotiation and Maintenance: Conceptualizing Interactions of a Public Sector Innovation Lab from a Governance Perspective
María Ferreira

Stabilizing Design Practices in Local Government
Ahmee Kim
, Mieke van der Bijl Brouwer
, Ingrid Mulder
, Peter Lloyd

Public Libraries and Digital Service Development: Bridging the Gaps in Company Collaborations
Nils Ehrenberg
, Camila Hergatacorzian
, Turkka Keinonen

Public Sector Design Efficacy in Rural Development: A Case Study of the Future Village Project in Changdai Village, China
Shan Su
, Xi Ji
, Zhenhua Su
, Aimei Chen

Institutioning as Action: Mediating Grassroots Labor and Government Work for Sustainable Transitions
Liesbeth Huybrechts
, Dolores Van Den Eynde
, Gasper Kabendela
, Elke Knapen
, Janepher Kimaro
, Fredrick Magina

Vol. 18(2) August 2024 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Designing Collective Empowerment to Support Bottom-Up City-Making
Ben A. M. Schouten
, Gwen Klerks
, Silvia Cazacu-Bucica

Mitigating Negative Emotions in Anxious Attachment through an Interactive Device
Heimin Kang
, JungKyoon Yoon
, Chajoong Kim

Visual-Textual Integration: Emoji as a Supplement in Health Information Design
Tingyi S. Lin
, Yue Luo

Design Case Studies
Vol. 18(1) April 2024 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Redefining Repair as a Value Co-Creation Process for Circular Economy: Facilitated Do-It-Yourself Repair
Serkan Bayraktaroğlu
, Elif İdemen

One Size Does Not Fit All—Facilitating Participation of People with Intellectual Disability in Design of Digital Technology
Mugula Chris Safari
, Sofie Wass
, Elin Thygesen

Design Case Studies

Participatory Futuring with Citizens as One Way of Designing for Sustainability Transitions of a National Art Museum in Korea
Hyori Lee
, Minju Han
, Byeongkuk Kwak
, Seungho Park-Lee

Vol. 17(3) December 2023 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Data-Enhanced Design: Engaging Designers in Exploratory Sensemaking with Multimodal Data
Katerina Gorkovenko
, Adam Jenkins
, Kami Vaniea
, Dave Murray-Rust

Sparking the Repair “Can-Do” Attitude: Enhancing Users’ Willingness to Repair through Design Support in Fault Diagnostics
Renske van den Berge
, Lise Magnier
, Ruth Mugge

Design Case Studies

Service Blueprinting for Better Collaboration in Human-Centric AI: The Design of a Digital Scribe for Orthopedic Consultations
Reka Magyari
, Fernando Secomandi

Careful Curation of Care Content: A Case Study of a Technology-Supported Atrial Fibrillation Outpatient Clinic
Renee Noortman
, Anne Wil Burghoorn
, Peter Lovei
, Jos-marien Jansen
, Eva Deckers
, Jasper Vermeer
, Tineke Vinck-de Greef
, Lukas Dekker
, Mathias Funk

Vol. 17(2) August 2023 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Experiential Speculation in Vision-Based AI Design Education: Designing Conventional and Progressive AI Futures
Yi-Ching Janet Huang
, Stephan Wensveen
, Mathias Funk

Advancing Design Approaches through Data-Driven Techniques: Patient Community Journey Mapping Using Online Stories and Machine Learning
Jiwon Jung
, Ki-Hun Kim
, Tess Peters
, Dirk Snelders
, Maaike Kleinsmann

Design Case Studies

The Inviting Music Player: A Case Study on Design for Loss of Initiative in Dementia
Rik Wesselink
, Geke Ludden
, Marike Hettinga
, Berry Eggen

The Empathic Co-Design Canvas: A Tool for Supporting Multi-Stakeholder Co-Design Processes
Wina Smeenk

Vol. 17(1) April 2023 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Story of Beau: Exploring the Potential of Generative Diaries in Shaping Social Perceptions of Robots
Hyungjun Cho
, Tek-Jin Nam

Mapping Design Capability of Governments: A Tool for Government Employees’ Collective Reflection
Yvonne Yeo
, Jung-Joo Lee
, Ching-Chiuan Yen

Technology Cards: A Design Game for Navigating in a Future of Digital Technologies
Sidsel Katrine Nymark Ernstsen
, Christian Thuesen
, Christian Holmegaard Mossing
, Stig Brinck
, Anja Maier

deformTable: A Design Inquiry and Long-Term Field Study into Creative and Contingent Appropriations of a Shape-Changing Artifact
Ce Zhong
, Ron Wakkary
, Amy Yo Sue Chen
, Doenja Oogjes

Design Case Studies
Vol. 16(3) December 2022 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Design Enters the City: Requisites and Points of Friction in Deepening Public Sector Design
Antti Pirinen
, Kaisa Savolainen
, Sampsa Hyysalo
, Tuuli Mattelmäki

Towards More-Than-Human-Centred Design: Learning from Gardening
Anton Poikolainen Rosén
, Maria Normark
, Mikael Wiberg

I Love It, I’ll Never Use It: Exploring Factors of Product Attachment and Their Effects on Sustainable Product Usage Behaviors
Michael Christopher Kowalski
, JungKyoon Yoon

Behaviors of Novice and Expert Designers in the Design Process: From Discovery to Design
Hsi-Jen Chen
, Yan-Ting Chen
, Chia-Han Yang

Design Case Studies

Get a Grip on Stress with Grippy! A Field Study to Understand Human-Wearable Partnerships in Stress Management
Xueliang Sean Li
, Marco C. Rozendaal
, Eric Vermetten
, Kaspar Jansen
, Catholijn Jonker

Vol. 16(2) August 2022 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Tension-and-Release: A Design Principle for Dynamic Materials
Amy Winters
, Simone de Waart
, Miguel Bruns

Design Framework for Audible Alarms: A Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approach
Rosana Sanz-Segura
, Eduardo Manchado-Pérez
, Elif Özcan

Design Capital: Unearthing the Design Capabilities of Community Groups
Katerina Alexiou
, Vera Hale
, Theodore Zamenopoulos

Design Case Studies

Habitabilities of Living Artefacts: A Taxonomy of Digital Tools for Biodesign
Jiwei Zhou
, Bahareh Barati
, Elisa Giaccardi
, Elvin Karana

Integrated Co-design: A Model for Co-designing with Multiple Stakeholder Groups from the ‘Fuzzy’ Front-end to Beyond Project Delivery
Jeremy Arthur Stuart Kerr
, Michael Whelan
, Okansa Zelenko
, Keely Harper-Hill
, Clare Villalba

Design with and by Marginalized People in Humanitarian Makerspaces
Lucia Corsini
, Santosh Jagtap
, James Moultrie

Vol. 16(1) April 2022 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Method Use in Behavioural Design: What, How, and Why?
Philip James Cash
, Xènia Vallès
, Ida Echstrøm
, Jaap Daalhuizen

Service Designing for Human Relationships to Positively Enable Social Systemic Change
Mieke van der Bijl - Brouwer

Design Case Studies

The Complexities of Transport Service Design for Visually Impaired People: Lessons from a Bus Commuting Service
Danyang Wang
, Wei-An Hsieh
, Shu-Yi Chen
, Hsien-Hui Tang

Vol. 15(3) December 2021 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Service Design 2021

Narrating Service Design to Account for Cultural Plurality
Zhipeng Duan
, Josina Vink
, Simon David Clatworthy

Beyond Good Intentions: Towards a Power Literacy Framework for Service Designers
Maya Goodwill
, Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer
, Roy Bendor

A Designerly Approach to Exploring Disruptions in Service: Insights from Employing a Systems Perspective
Vanessa Rodrigues
, Stefan Holmlid
, Johan Blomkvist

(Service) Design and Organisational Change: Balancing with Translation Objects
Anna Seravalli
, Hope Witmer

Vol. 15(2) August 2021 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Watch that Seam! Designing Hybrid Presentations with Data Visualisation in Augmented Reality
Andrea Bravo
, Anja Maier
, Philip Cash

The Architecture of Creativity: Toward a Causal Theory of Creative Workspace Design
Katja Thoring
, Milene Gonçalves
, Roland M. Mueller
, Pieter Desmet
, Petra Badke-Schaub

The Challenges Affecting the Widespread Uptake of Responsible Design by Commercial Design Consultancies in UK and Ireland
Vicky Lofthouse
, Norman Stevenson

Design Case Studies
Vol. 15(1) April 2021 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Defining the Behavioural Design Space
Camilla Kirstine Elisabeth Bay Brix Nielsen
, Jaap Daalhuizen
, Philip J. Cash

Identifying a Motivational Profile for Older Adults Towards Increased Physical Activity
Carlijn Anne Lieke Valk
, Peter Lovei
, Hubert Cornelis
, Yaliang Chuang
, Thomas Visser
, Pearl Pu
, Yuan Lu

Design Case Studies
Vol. 14(3) December 2020 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Design Strategies for Promoting Young Children’s Physical Activity: A Playscapes Perspective
Boudewijn Boon
, Marco C. Rozendaal
, Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink
, Janjaap van der Net
, Martine van Grotel
, Pieter Jan Stappers

Routinoscope: Collaborative Routine Reflection for Routine-Driven Do-It-Yourself Smart Homes
Jong-bum Woo
, Youn-kyung Lim

Living Artefacts: Conceptualizing Livingness as a Material Quality in Everyday Artefacts
Elvin Karana
, Bahareh Barati
, Elisa Giaccardi

Multiple Intelligibility in Constructive Design Research: The Case of Empathic Design
Jung-Joo Lee
, Ilpo Koskinen
, Jack Whalen

Design for Complex Situations: Navigating ‘Matters of Concern’
Nicholas Spencer
, Mark Bailey


Impact-Centered Design: Introducing an Integrated Framework of the Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Design
Steven Fokkinga
, Pieter Desmet
, Paul Hekkert

Vol. 14(2) August 2020 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Aesthetics of Coupling: An Impossible Marriage
Lukas Van Campenhout
, Joep Frens
, Kristof Vaes
, Caroline Hummels

Getting Participatory Design Done: From Methods and Choices to Translation Work across Constituent Domains
Andrea Botero
, Sampsa Hyysalo
, Cindy Kohtala
, Jack Whalen

Developing a Toolkit for Prototyping Machine Learning-Empowered Products: The Design and Evaluation of ML-Rapid
Lingyun Sun
, Zhibin Zhou
, Wenqi Wu
, Yuyang Zhang
, Rui Zhang
, Wei Xiang

Supporting Food Design Processes: Development of Food Design Cards
Youngsil Lee
, Carola Breuer
, Hendrik NJ Schifferstein

Designing Behaviour Change: A Behavioural Problem/Solution (BPS) Matrix
Philip Cash
, Pramod Khadilkar
, Joanna Jensen
, Camilla Dusterdich
, Ruth Mugge

Design Case Studies
Vol. 14(1) April 2020 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Mood Granularity for Design: Introducing a Holistic Typology of 20 Mood States
Haian Xue
, Pieter M. A. Desmet
, Steven F. Fokkinga

Using Pet-Dog Behavior Traits to Enhance the Emotional Experience of In-Car Interaction
Yea-Kyung Row
, Se-Young Kim
, Tek-Jin Nam

Hip and Authentic. Defining Neo-Retro Style in Package Design
Franck Celhay
, Lise Magnier
, Jan Schoormans

Stigma Threat in Design for Older Adults: Exploring Design Factors that Induce Stigma Perception
Chen Li
, Chang-Franw Lee
, Song Xu

The (New) Roles of Prototypes During the Co-Development of Digital Product Service Systems
Maaike Kleinsmann
, Martijn ten Bhömer

Frame Failures and Reframing Dialogues in the Public Sector Design Projects
Jung-Joo Lee

Design Case Studies
Vol. 13(3) December 2019 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

“Smart Home System is Like a Mother”: The Potential and Risks of Using Product Metaphors to Influence Consumers’ Comprehension of Really New Products
Peiyao Cheng
, Ruth Mugge
, Cees De Bont

How Do People Adapt to Use of an IoT Air Purifier?: From Low Expectation to Minimal Use
Minji Cho
, Sangsu Lee
, Kun-Pyo Lee

A Collaboration System Model for Planning and Evaluating Participatory Design Projects
Andrew Drain
, Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders

A Comparison of Existing Frameworks Leading to an Empathic Formation Compass for Co-design
Wina Smeenk
, Janienke Sturm
, Berry Eggen

Beneficiaries’ View of Actor Networks: Service Resonance for Pluralistic Actor Networks
Martina Caic
, Stefan Holmlid
, Dominik Mahr
, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder

The Same, but Better: Understanding the Practice of Designing for Incremental Innovation in Web Design
Michael Mose Biskjær
, Peter Dalsgaard
, Kim Halskov

Design Case Studies
Vol. 13(2) August 2019 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Material and Design

Radically Relational Tools: A Design Framework to Explore Materials through Embodied Processes
Bruna Beatriz Petreca
, Carmem Saito
, Sharon Baurley
, Douglas Atkinson
, Xuemei Yu
, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

Prototyping Materials Experience: Towards a Shared Understanding of Underdeveloped Smart Material Composites
Bahareh Barati
, Elvin Karana
, Paul Hekkert

Behavioral Complexity as a Computational Material Strategy
Mads Hobye
, Maja Fagerberg Ranten

Vol. 13(1) April 2019 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Balancing Game Rules for Improving Creative Output of Group Brainstorms
Niko Vegt
, Valentijn Visch
, Arnold Vermeeren
, Huib de Ridder
, Zsolt Hayde

Populating Architectural Design: Introducing Scenario-Based Design in Residential Care Projects
Valerie Van der Linden
, Hua Dong
, Ann Heylighen

Design Case Studies

Practice-Centered Design of an Anesthesia Medication Template to Reduce Medication Handling Errors in the Operating Room
Axel Roesler
, Eliot B. Grigg
, Lizabeth D. Martin
, Faith J. Ross
, Magnus Feil
, Sally E. Rampersad
, Charles M. Haberkern
, Lynn D. Martin

Vol. 12(3) December 2018 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Exploring Computational Materials as Fashion Materials: Recommendations for Designing Fashionable Wearables
Çağlar Genç
, Oğuz Turan Buruk
, Sejda İnal
, Kemal Can
, Oğuzhan Özcan

Embracing Material Surface Imperfections in Product Design
Owain Pedgley
, Bahar Şener
, Debra Lilley
, Ben Bridgens

(How) Can Appliances be Designed to Support Less Energy-Intensive Use? Insights from a Field Study on Kitchen Appliances
Anneli Selvefors
, Christian Marx
, MariAnne I. C. Karlsson
, Ulrike Rahe

Memory Probes: Exploring Retrospective User Experience Through Traces of Use on Cherished Objects
Wenn-Chieh Tsai
, Elise van den Hoven

Briefing Beyond Documentation: An Interview Study on Industrial Design Consulting Practices in Finland
Seungho Park-Lee
, Oscar Person

Design Case Studies

An Empathic Design Approach to an Augmented Gymnasium in a Special Needs School Setting
Issey Takahashi
, Mika Oki
, Baptiste Bourreau
, Itaru Kitahara
, Kenji Suzuki

Vol. 12(2) August 2018 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Pioneering Online Design Teaching in a MOOC Format: Tools for Facilitating Experiential Learning
Jaap Daalhuizen
, Jan Schoormans

Design Choices Framework for Co-creation Projects
Jung-Joo Lee
, Miia Jaatinen
, Anna Salmi
, Tuuli Mattelmäki
, Riitta Smeds
, Mari Holopainen

Sketching Imaginative Experiences: From Operation to Reflection via Lively Interactive Artifacts
Kenny K. N. Chow

From Abstract to Tangible: Supporting the Materialization of Experiential Visions with the Experience Map
Serena Camere
, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein
, Monica Bordegoni

A Preliminary Study of the Form and Status of Passionate Affection Emoticons
Ting-Ju Lin
, Chien-Hsiung Chen

Designing Objects with Meaningful Associations
Daniel Orth
, Clementine Thurgood
, Elise van den Hoven

Design Case Studies
Vol. 12(1) April 2018 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Designing for Systems of Smart Things

Is Smart Home a Necessity or a Fantasy for the Mainstream User? A Study on Users’ Expectations of Smart Household Appliances
Aykut Coskun
, Gül Kaner
, İdil Bostan

Designing IoT Systems that Support Reflective Thinking: A Relational Approach
Maliheh Ghajargar
, Mikael Wiberg
, Erik Stolterman

Framing Smart Consumer Technology: Mediation, Materiality, and Material for Design
Sumit Pandey

Addressing the Need to Capture Scenarios, Intentions and Preferences: Interactive Intentional Programming in the Smart Home
Mathias Funk
, Lin-Lin Chen
, Shao-Wen Yang
, Yen-Kuang Chen

Vol. 11(3) December 2017 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Wearable and Fashionable Interactions

Digital Materiality, Embodied Practices and Fashionable Interactions in the Design of Soft Wearable Technologies
Frances Joseph
, Miranda Smitheram
, Donna Cleveland
, Caroline Stephen
, Hollee Fisher

Design Case Studies
Vol. 11(2) August 2017 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Travelling from Fascination to New Meanings: Understanding User Expectations Through a Case Study of Autonomous Cars
Ingrid Pettersson

The Design Innovation Spectrum: An Overview of Design Influences on Innovation for Manufacturing Companies
Jea Hoo Na
, Youngok Choi
, David Harrison

Capturing the Value of Design Thinking in Different Innovation Practices
Maaike Kleinsmann
, Rianne Valkenburg
, Janneke Sluijs

Graphic Designer Wanted: A Document Analysis of the Described Skill Set of Graphic Designers in Job Advertisements from the United Kingdom
Paulo Roberto Nicoletti Dziobczenski
, Oscar Person
Design Case Studies
Vol. 11(1) April 2017 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Adaptation Profiles in First-Time Robot Users: Towards Understanding Adaptation Patterns and Their Implications for Design
Juan Giusepe Montalván Lume
, Heesun Shin
, Francisco Cuéllar Córdova
, Kunpyo Lee

Instruments of Inquiry: Understanding the Nature and Role of Tools in Design
Peter Dalsgaard

Design Case Studies

Coordinating Community Cooperation: Integrating Timebanks and Nonprofit Volunteering by Design
John M. Carroll
, Patrick C. Shih
, Kyungsk Han
, Jess Kropczynski

From Smells to Stories: The Design and Evaluation of The Smell Memory Kit
Susana Cámara Leret
, Valentijn Visch

Vol. 10(3) December 2016 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

When ‘Feeling Good’ is not Good Enough: Seven Key Opportunities for Emotional Granularity in Product Development
JungKyoon Yoon
, Anna E. Pohlmeyer
, Pieter M.A. Desmet

Influence of Curvature and Expertise on Aesthetic Preferences for Mobile Device Designs
Chun-Heng Ho
, Yen-Nien Lu
, Chun-Hsien Chen

Design Case Studies

Social Design as a Creative Device in Developing Countries: The Case of a Handcraft Pottery Community in Cambodia
Lina Kang

Vol. 10(2) August 2016 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Interaction-Attention Continuum: Considering Various Levels of Human Attention in Interaction Design
Saskia Bakker
, Karin Niemantsverdriet

Visitor Attention and Communication in Information-Based Exhibitions
Soyeon Kim
, Hyunju Lee

A Systematic Analysis of Mixed Perspectives in Empathic Design: Not One Perspective Encompasses All
Wina Smeenk
, Oscar Tomico
, Koen van Turnhout

The Role of Designers in Integrating Societal Value in the Product and Service Development Processes
Yoori Koo

Design for Behaviour Change as a Driver for Sustainable Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation in the Private and Public Sectors
Kristina Niedderer
, Geke Ludden
, Stephen Clune
, Dan Lockton
, James Mackrill
, Andrew Morris
, Rebecca Cain
, Edward Gardiner
, Martyn Evans
, Robin Gutteridge
, Paul Hekkert
Design Case Studies
Vol. 10(1) April 2016 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Social Design and Innovation

The Goldilocks Conundrum: The ‘Just Right’ Conditions for Design to Achieve Impact in Public and Third Sector Projects
Joyce S. R. Yee
, Hazel White

Service Design for Social Innovation through Participatory Action Research
Chen-Fu Yang
, Tung-Jung Sung

Using Community Engagement to Drive Co-Creation in Rural China
Wei Wang
, Nick Bryan-Kinns
, Tie Ji

Sharing Design Agency with Local Partners in Participatory Design
Chiara Del Gaudio
, Carlo Franzato
, Alfredo Jefferson de Oliveira

Design Case Studies
Vol. 9(3) December 2015 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Temporal Form in Interaction Design
Anna Vallgårda
, Morten Winther
, Nina Mørch
, Edit E. Vizer

A Touching Experience: Designing for Touch Sensations in Online Retail Environments
Suzanne Overmars
, Karolien Poels

Design Case Studies

Designing for Active Life: Moving and Being Moved Together with Dementia Patients
Helena Margareta Tobiasson
, Yngve Sundblad
, Åke Walldius
, Anders Hedman

Vol. 9(2) August 2015 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Design for Mood: Twenty Activity-Based Opportunities to Design for Mood Regulation
Pieter M.A. Desmet

How People’s Appreciation of Products Is Affected by Their Knowledge of the Designers’ Intentions
Odette da Silva
, Nathan Crilly
, Paul Hekkert

Material Driven Design (MDD): A Method to Design for Material Experiences
Elvin Karana
, Bahar Barati
, Valentina Rognoli
, Anouk Zeeuw van der Laan

Understanding the Attributes of Product Intervention for the Promotion of Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Framework and Its Effect on Immediate User Reactions
Minjung Sohn
, Tek-Jin Nam

Signaling Environmental Altruism through Design: The Role of Green Cue Prominence in Hybrid Cars
Jeongmin Lee
, Bohee Jung
, Wujin Chu

Making Clothing Last: A Design Approach for Reducing the Environmental Impacts
Kirsi Laitala
, Casper Boks
, Ingun Grimstad Klepp

Design Case Studies

“Annoying, but in a Nice Way”: An Inquiry into the Experience of Frictional Feedback
Matthias Laschke
, Sarah Diefenbach
, Marc Hassenzahl

State-of-the-Art Reviews
Vol. 9(1) April 2015 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Types of Embodiment in Design: The Embodied Foundations of Meaning and Affect in Product Design
Thomas Van Rompay
, Geke Ludden

The Design of Smart Product-Service Systems (PSSs): An Exploration of Design Characteristics
Ana Valencia
, Ruth Mugge
, Jan Schoormans
, Hendrik Schifferstein

Under Cover and Close at Hand: Embodied Metaphor in Packaging Design
Manon Te Vaarwerk
, Thomas Van Rompay
, Vanessa Okken

Effects of Visual Expectation on Perceived Tactile Perception: An Evaluation Method of Surface Texture with Expectation Effect
Hideyoshi Yanagisawa
, Kenji Takatsuji

Fashion Thinking: Fashion Practices and Sustainable Interaction Design
Yue Pan
, David Roedl
, Eli Blevis
, John Thomas

The Aesthetic Appeal of Prosthetic Limbs and the Uncanny Valley: The Role of Personal Characteristics in Attraction
Stefania Sansoni
, Andrew Wodehouse
, Angus K. McFadyen
, Arjan Buis

Viewer Knowledge: Application of Exposure-based Layperson Knowledge in Genre-specific Animation Production
Valentijn Visch
, Ed Tan
, Daniel Saakes

Design Case Studies
Vol. 8(3) December 2014 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

How the Design of Socio-technical Experiments Can Enable Radical Changes for Sustainability
Fabrizio Ceschin

Using Social Distinctions in Taste for Analysing Design Styles across Product Categories
Dirk Snelders
, Ruth Mugge
, Maartje Huinink

Space Affordances, Adaptive Responses and Sensory Integration by Autistic Children
Paramita Atmodiwirjo

Design Concepts for Digital Diabetes Practice: Design to Explore, Share, and Camouflage Chronic Illness
Anne Marie Kanstrup

Examining the “Later Wow” through Operating a Metaphorical Product
Ming-Huang Lin
, Shih-Hung Cheng

Comparison of Semantic Intent and Realization in Product Design: A Study on High-End Furniture Impressions
Javad Khalaj
, Owain Pedgley

Product Sounds: Basic Concepts and Categories
Elif Ozcan
, Rene vanEgmond
, Jan Jacobs

Design Case Studies
Vol. 8(2) August 2014 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Tools for Participation: Intergenerational Technology Design for the Home
Sonja Pedell
, Frank Vetere
, Steve Howard
, Tim Miller
, Leon Sterling

Investigating the Unexplored Possibilities of Digital–Physical Toolkits in Lay Design
Guido Hermans

Understanding Design for Dynamic and Diverse Use Situations
Mieke van der Bijl - Brouwer
, Mascha van der Voort

The Boundaries of Public Space: A Case Study of Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Railway
Tianjiao Zhao
, Kin Wai Michael Siu

Design Case Studies

Designing to Bring the Field to the Showroom through Open-ended Provocation
Janet Kelly
, Stephan Wensveen

Vol. 8(1) April 2014 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Source Selection in Product Metaphor Generation: The Effects of Salience and Relatedness
Nazli Cila
, Paul Hekkert
, Valentijn Visch

Materializing Movement—Designing for Movement-based Digital Interaction
Lise Amy Hansen
, Andrew Morrison

Evocative Balance: Designing for Interactional Empowerment
Anna Ståhl
, Jonas Löwgren
, Kristina Höök

What Drivers Really Want: Investigating Dimensions in Automobile User Needs
Dimitrios Gkouskos
, Carl Jörgen Normark
, Sus Lundgren

Kitchen Living in Later Life: Exploring Ergonomic Problems, Coping Strategies and Design Solutions
Martin Charles Maguire
, Sheila Peace
, Colette Nicolle
, Russell Marshall
, Ruth Sims
, John Percival
, Clare Lawton

User Characteristics and Behaviour in Operating Annoying Electronic Products
Chajoong Kim

Design Case Studies
Vol. 7(3) December 2013 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Design for Subjective Wellbeing

Positive Design: An Introduction to Design for Subjective Well-Being
Pieter M. A. Desmet
, Anna E. Pohlmeyer

Designing Moments of Meaning and Pleasure. Experience Design and Happiness
Marc Hassenzahl
, Kai Eckoldt
, Sarah Diefenbach
, Matthias Laschke
, Eva Lenz
, Joonhwan Kim

How Designers and Marketers Can Work Together to Support Consumers’ Happiness
Maria Sääksjärvi
, Katarina Hellén

Design Case Studies
Vol. 7(2) August 2013 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

A Holistic Framework for Conceptualizing Customer Experiences in Retail Environments
Ann Petermans
, Wim Janssens
, Koenraad Van Cleempoel

Tourism Sociabilities and Place: Challenges and Opportunities for Design
Mads Bødker
, David Browning

Touching Materials Visually: About the Dominance of Vision in Building Material Assessment
Lisa Wastiels
, Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein
, Ine Wouters
, Ann Heylighen

Design Case Studies

An Application of Implementing a Cognitive Structure Model to Obtain Consensus from Consumers
Ming-Hsuan Hsieh
, Cheng-Yong Huang
, Ding-Bang Luh
, Shuo-Fang Liu
, Chia-Hsiang Ma

Vol. 7(1) April 2013 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Physical Interaction in a Dematerialized World
Lukas Van Campenhout
, Joep Frens
, Kees Overbeeke
, Achiel Standaert
, Herbert Peremans

Ten Ways to Design for Disgust, Sadness, and Other Enjoyments: A Design Approach to Enrich Product Experiences with Negative Emotions
Steven F. Fokkinga
, Pieter M. A. Desmet

Exploring Problem-framing through Behavioural Heuristics
Dan Lockton
, David J. Harrison
, Rebecca Cain
, Neville A. Stanton
, Paul Jennings

The Influence of Product Exposure on Trendiness and Aesthetic Appraisal
Janneke Blijlevens
, Ruth Mugge
, Pinpin Ye
, Jan P. L. Schoormans

Impacts of Geometrical Manufacturing Quality on the Visual Product Experience
Karin Forslund
, MariAnne Karlsson
, Rikard Söderberg

Positively Picturing Pain? Using Patient-generated Pictures to Establish Affective Visual Design Qualities
Catherine Stones

Vol. 6(3) December 2012 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Hands-on Intellect: Integrating Craft Practice into Design Research
Nithikul Nimkulrat

Thinking beyond the Cure: A Case for Human-Centered Design in Cancer Care
Tara Mullaney
, Helena Pettersson
, Tufve Nyholm
, Erik Stolterman

Designing for Perceptual Crossing: Applying and Evaluating Design Notions
Eva Deckers
, Pierre Levy
, Stephan Wensveen
, Rene Ahn
, Kees Overbeeke

Design Case Studies

Weaving with Rush: Exploring Craft-Design Collaborations in Revitalizing a Local Craft
Fang-Wu Tung

Visualising Gender Norms in Design: Meet the Mega Hurricane Mixer and the Drill Dolphia
Karin Ehrnberger
, Minna Räsänen
, Sara Ilstedt

Vol. 6(2) August 2012 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Faces of Product Pleasure: 25 Positive Emotions in Human-Product Interactions
Pieter Desmet

The Effects of Website Designs, Self-Congruity, and Flow on Behavioral Intention
Erin Cho
, Youn-Kyung Kim

Older Adults’ Motivations, Patterns, and Improvised Strategies of Using Product Manuals
Wang-Chin Tsai
, Wendy A. Rogers
, Chang-Franw Lee

Design for Interest: Exploratory Study on a Distinct Positive Emotion in Human-Product Interaction
JungKyoon Yoon
, Pieter M. A. Desmet
, Aadjan van der Helm

Design Case Studies
Vol. 6(1) April 2012 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Beyond Surprise: A Longitudinal Study on the Experience of Visual-Tactual Incongruities in Products
Geke D.S. Ludden
, Hendrik NJ Schifferstein
, Paul Hekkert

Design Case Studies

Designing for Unexpected Encounters with Digital Products: Case Studies of Serendipity as Felt Experience
Rung-Huei Liang

Challenges of Doing Empathic Design: Experiences from Industry
Carolien Postma
, Elly Zwartkruis-Pelgrim
, Elke Daemen
, Jia Du

Vol. 5(3) December 2011 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Do Users Know What Designers Are Up To? Product Experience and the Inference of Persuasive Intentions
Nathan Crilly

Isn’t It Cute: An Evolutionary Perspective of Baby-Schema Effects in Visual Product Designs
Linda Miesler
, Helmut Leder
, Andreas Herrmann

Touching a Stranger: Designing for Engaging Experience in Embodied Interaction
Mads Hobye
, Jonas Löwgren

Designing for Social Configurations: Pattern Languages to Inform the Design of Ubiquitous Computing
Sebastian Denef
, Reinhard Oppermann
, David Victor Keyson

The Effect of a Business-like Personality on the Perceived Performance Quality of Products
Ruth Mugge

Noisy Products: Does Appearance Matter?
Anna Fenko
, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein
, Paul Hekkert

Laggards as Innovators? Old Users as Designers of New Services & Service Systems
Anna Essén
, Britt Östlund

Design Case Studies

Interactivity Attributes for Expression-oriented Interaction Design
Youn-kyung Lim
, Sang-Su Lee
, Da-jung Kim

Vol. 5(2) August 2011 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Designing for Services

Service Innovation Through Touch-points: Development of an Innovation Toolkit for the First Stages of New Service Development
Simon David Clatworthy

Benefits of Co-design in Service Design Projects
Marc Steen
, Menno Manschot
, Nicole De Koning

Design Case Studies
Vol. 5(1) April 2011 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Innovation Pyramid: A Categorization of the Innovation Phenomenon in the Product-design Field
Lucia Rampino

Exploring How Industrial Designers Can Contribute to Scientific Research
Alex James Driver
, Carlos Peralta
, James Moultrie

A Framework and Representation for Universal Product Design
Daniel A. McAdams
, Vincent Kostovich Kostovich

Combining 2D and 3D Design for Novel Packaging for Older People
Yada Chavalkul
, Andrew Saxon
, Robert N. Jerrard

Design Case Studies
Vol. 4(3) December 2010 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

A Material Strategy: Exploring Material Properties of Computers
Anna Vallgårda
, Tomas Sokoler

Investigating the Haptic Aspects of Verbalised Product Experiences
Jessica Persdotter Dagman
, MariAnne Karlsson
, Li Wikström

Time-Based Strategy and Business Performance under Environmental Uncertainty: An Empirical Study of Design Firms in Taiwan
Tung-Jung David Sung
, Yi-Ta Lu
, Shu-Shiuan Ho

User-Material-Product Interrelationships in Attributing Meanings
Elvin Karana
, Paul Hekkert

State-of-the-Art Reviews
Vol. 4(2) August 2010 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Designing for Aesthetics of Interaction

Designing Behavior in Interaction: Using Aesthetic Experience as a Mechanism for Design
Philip Roland Ross
, Stephan Wensveen

Studies of Dancers: Moving from Experience to Interaction Design
Lian Loke
, Toni Robertson

Pleasantness in Bodily Experience: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Marco C Rozendaal
, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein

Vol. 4(1) April 2010 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Navimation: Exploring Time, Space & Motion in the Design of Screen Based Interfaces
Jon Olav H. Eikenes
, Andrew Morrison

Protect and Appreciate – Notes on the Justification of User-Centered Design
Turkka Kalervo Keinonen

Conceptual Designing and Technology: Short-Range RFID as Design Material
Kjetil Nordby

Social Attributes of Robotic Products: Observations of Child-Robot Interactions in a School Environment
Kwangmyung Oh
, Myungsuk Kim

Design Case Studies
Vol. 3(3) December 2009 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Should Mary Smell Like Biscuit? Investigating Scents in Product Design
Geke D. S. Ludden
, Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein

Designing Continuous Sonic Interaction
Davide Rocchesso
, Pietro Polotti
, Stefano Delle Monache

How Consumers Perceive Product Appearance: The Identification of Three Product Appearance Attributes
Janneke Blijlevens
, Marielle E.H. Creusen
, Jan P.L. Schoormans

The Repertory Grid Technique as a Method for the Study of Cultural Differences
Oscar Tomico
, Evangelos Karapanos
, Pierre Levy
, Nanami Mizutani
, Toshimasa Yamanaka

Vol. 3(2) August 2009 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Design & Emotion

Symbolic Meaning Integration in Design and its Influence on Product and Brand Evaluation
Thomas Van Rompay
, Ad Pruyn
, Peter Tieke

Bloody Robots as Emotional Design: How Emotional Structures May Change Expectations of Technology Use in Hospitals
Thomas Markussen

Appraisal Patterns of Emotions in Human-Product Interaction
Erdem Demir
, Pieter M. A. Desmet
, Paul P. M. Hekkert

Comparing Thermographic, EEG, and Subjective Measures of Affective Experience During Simulated Product Interactions
Sean Jenkins
, Raymond Brown
, Neil Rutterford

Exploring Relationships between Touch Perception and Surface Physical Properties
Xiaojuan Chen
, Fei Shao
, Cathy Barnes
, Tom Childs
, Brian Henson

Design Case Studies
Vol. 3(1) April 2009 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Influence of Stakeholders on Industrial Design Materials and Manufacturing Selection
Owain Francis Pedgley

Facilitating Dynamics of Focus Group Interviews in East Asia: Evidence and Tools by Cross-Cultural Study
Jung-Joo Lee
, Kun-Pyo Lee

Place-Specific Computing: A Place-centric Perspective for Digital Designs
Jorn Messeter

Design Case Studies
Vol. 2(3) December 2008 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Consumer-Product Attachment: Measurement and Design Implications
Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein
, Elly P.H. Zwartkruis-Pelgrim

Representing Artefacts as Media: Modelling the Relationship Between Designer Intent and Consumer Experience
Nathan Crilly
, Anja Maier
, P John Clarkson

Cinematographic Techniques in Architectural Animations and Their Effects on Viewers' Judgment
Eui-Jee Hah
, Peter Schmutz
, Alexandre Nicolas Tuch
, Doris Agotai
, Martin Wiedmer
, Klaus Opwis

Design Case Studies
Vol. 2(2) August 2008 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Cultural Aspects of Interaction Design

Mapping Cultural Frame Shifting in Interaction Design with Blending Theory
Thomas Markussen
, Peter Gall Krogh

A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Users’ Perceptions of a Webpage: With a Focus on the Cognitive Styles of Chinese, Koreans and Americans
Ying Dong
, Kun-pyo Lee

Influence of Cultural Background on Non-verbal Communication in a Usability Testing Situation
Pradeep G. Yammiyavar
, Torkil Clemmensen
, Jyoti Kumar

Requirements for the Design of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems – The Differences between Swedish and Chinese Drivers
Anders Mikael Lindgren
, Fang Chen
, Patrick W. Jordan
, Haixin Zhang

Exploration in Emotion and Visual Information Uncertainty of Websites in Culture Relations
Tzu-wei Tsai
, Tien-Chun Chang
, Ming-Chuen Chuang
, Ding-Ming Wang

Political and Cultural Representation in Malaysian Websites
Adrian Min Choy Tong
, Keith Stuart Robertson

Vol. 2(1) April 2008 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Three-in-One User Study for Focused Collaboration
Turkka Kalervo Keinonen
, Vesa Jääskö
, Tuuli Mattelmäki

The Product Ecology: Understanding Social Product Use and Supporting Design Culture
Jodi Forlizzi

Design, Risk and New Product Development in Five Small Creative Companies
Robert N. Jerrard
, Nick Barnes
, Adele Reid

Design Case Studies
Vol. 1(3) December 2007 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Towards Female Preferences in Design – A Pilot Study
Lishan Xue
, Ching Chiuan Yen

Effects of Visual-Auditory Incongruity on Product Expression and Surprise
Geke D.S. Ludden
, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein

Materials in Products Selection: Tools for Including User-Interaction in Materials Selection
Ilse van Kesteren
, Pieter Jan Stappers
, Sjef de Bruijn

Vol. 1(2) August 2007 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Imagining the Orient: Cultural Appropriation in the Florence Broadhurst Collection
Vicki Karaminas

Metaphors in Design Problem Solving: Implications for Creativity
Hernan Pablo Casakin
Design Case Studies

Product Analysis Based on Botswana's Postcolonial Socio-cultural Perspective
Richie Moalosi
, Vesna Popovic
, Anne Hickling-Hudson

State-of-the-Art Reviews
Vol. 1(1) April 2007 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

A Usability Evaluation of Web Map Zoom and Pan Functions
Manlai You
, Chun-wen Chen
, Hantsai Liu
, Hsuan Lin

Effects of RSVP Display Design on Visual Performance in Accomplishing Dual Tasks with Small Screens
Chien-Hsiung Chen
, Yu-Hung Chien

Guerrilla Wars in Everyday Public Spaces: Reflections and Inspirations for Designers
Kin Wai Michael Siu

Design Case Studies