International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
Vol. 17(3) December 2023 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Data-Enhanced Design: Engaging Designers in Exploratory Sensemaking with Multimodal Data
Katerina Gorkovenko
, Adam Jenkins
, Kami Vaniea
, Dave Murray-Rust

Sparking the Repair “Can-Do” Attitude: Enhancing Users’ Willingness to Repair through Design Support in Fault Diagnostics
Renske van den Berge
, Lise Magnier
, Ruth Mugge

Design Case Studies

Service Blueprinting for Better Collaboration in Human-Centric AI: The Design of a Digital Scribe for Orthopedic Consultations
Reka Magyari
, Fernando Secomandi

Careful Curation of Care Content: A Case Study of a Technology-Supported Atrial Fibrillation Outpatient Clinic
Renee Noortman
, Anne Wil Burghoorn
, Peter Lovei
, Jos-marien Jansen
, Eva Deckers
, Jasper Vermeer
, Tineke Vinck-de Greef
, Lukas Dekker
, Mathias Funk
