International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
Vol. 8(3) December 2014 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

How the Design of Socio-technical Experiments Can Enable Radical Changes for Sustainability
Fabrizio Ceschin

Using Social Distinctions in Taste for Analysing Design Styles across Product Categories
Dirk Snelders
, Ruth Mugge
, Maartje Huinink

Space Affordances, Adaptive Responses and Sensory Integration by Autistic Children
Paramita Atmodiwirjo

Design Concepts for Digital Diabetes Practice: Design to Explore, Share, and Camouflage Chronic Illness
Anne Marie Kanstrup

Examining the “Later Wow” through Operating a Metaphorical Product
Ming-Huang Lin
, Shih-Hung Cheng

Comparison of Semantic Intent and Realization in Product Design: A Study on High-End Furniture Impressions
Javad Khalaj
, Owain Pedgley

Product Sounds: Basic Concepts and Categories
Elif Ozcan
, Rene vanEgmond
, Jan Jacobs

Design Case Studies