International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
Vol. 5(3) December 2011 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Do Users Know What Designers Are Up To? Product Experience and the Inference of Persuasive Intentions
Nathan Crilly

Isn’t It Cute: An Evolutionary Perspective of Baby-Schema Effects in Visual Product Designs
Linda Miesler
, Helmut Leder
, Andreas Herrmann

Touching a Stranger: Designing for Engaging Experience in Embodied Interaction
Mads Hobye
, Jonas Löwgren

Designing for Social Configurations: Pattern Languages to Inform the Design of Ubiquitous Computing
Sebastian Denef
, Reinhard Oppermann
, David Victor Keyson

The Effect of a Business-like Personality on the Perceived Performance Quality of Products
Ruth Mugge

Noisy Products: Does Appearance Matter?
Anna Fenko
, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein
, Paul Hekkert

Laggards as Innovators? Old Users as Designers of New Services & Service Systems
Anna Essén
, Britt Östlund

Design Case Studies

Interactivity Attributes for Expression-oriented Interaction Design
Youn-kyung Lim
, Sang-Su Lee
, Da-jung Kim
