International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
Vol. 14(2) August 2020 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Aesthetics of Coupling: An Impossible Marriage
Lukas Van Campenhout
, Joep Frens
, Kristof Vaes
, Caroline Hummels

Getting Participatory Design Done: From Methods and Choices to Translation Work across Constituent Domains
Andrea Botero
, Sampsa Hyysalo
, Cindy Kohtala
, Jack Whalen

Developing a Toolkit for Prototyping Machine Learning-Empowered Products: The Design and Evaluation of ML-Rapid
Lingyun Sun
, Zhibin Zhou
, Wenqi Wu
, Yuyang Zhang
, Rui Zhang
, Wei Xiang

Supporting Food Design Processes: Development of Food Design Cards
Youngsil Lee
, Carola Breuer
, Hendrik NJ Schifferstein

Designing Behaviour Change: A Behavioural Problem/Solution (BPS) Matrix
Philip Cash
, Pramod Khadilkar
, Joanna Jensen
, Camilla Dusterdich
, Ruth Mugge

Design Case Studies