Vol. 12(1) April 2018 | Table of Contents
Special Issue on Designing for Systems of Smart Things

Is Smart Home a Necessity or a Fantasy for the Mainstream User? A Study on Users’ Expectations of Smart Household Appliances
Aykut Coskun
, Gül Kaner
, İdil Bostan

Designing IoT Systems that Support Reflective Thinking: A Relational Approach
Maliheh Ghajargar
, Mikael Wiberg
, Erik Stolterman

Framing Smart Consumer Technology: Mediation, Materiality, and Material for Design
Sumit Pandey

Addressing the Need to Capture Scenarios, Intentions and Preferences: Interactive Intentional Programming in the Smart Home
Mathias Funk
, Lin-Lin Chen
, Shao-Wen Yang
, Yen-Kuang Chen