Vol. 10(2) August 2016 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

The Interaction-Attention Continuum: Considering Various Levels of Human Attention in Interaction Design
Saskia Bakker
, Karin Niemantsverdriet

Visitor Attention and Communication in Information-Based Exhibitions
Soyeon Kim
, Hyunju Lee

A Systematic Analysis of Mixed Perspectives in Empathic Design: Not One Perspective Encompasses All
Wina Smeenk
, Oscar Tomico
, Koen van Turnhout

The Role of Designers in Integrating Societal Value in the Product and Service Development Processes
Yoori Koo

Design for Behaviour Change as a Driver for Sustainable Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation in the Private and Public Sectors
Kristina Niedderer
, Geke Ludden
, Stephen Clune
, Dan Lockton
, James Mackrill
, Andrew Morris
, Rebecca Cain
, Edward Gardiner
, Martyn Evans
, Robin Gutteridge
, Paul Hekkert
Design Case Studies