International Journal of Design
ISSN: 1994-036X (online); 1991-3761 (print)
Vol. 12(3) December 2018 | Table of Contents
Original Articles

Exploring Computational Materials as Fashion Materials: Recommendations for Designing Fashionable Wearables
Çağlar Genç
, Oğuz Turan Buruk
, Sejda İnal
, Kemal Can
, Oğuzhan Özcan

Embracing Material Surface Imperfections in Product Design
Owain Pedgley
, Bahar Şener
, Debra Lilley
, Ben Bridgens

(How) Can Appliances be Designed to Support Less Energy-Intensive Use? Insights from a Field Study on Kitchen Appliances
Anneli Selvefors
, Christian Marx
, MariAnne I. C. Karlsson
, Ulrike Rahe

Memory Probes: Exploring Retrospective User Experience Through Traces of Use on Cherished Objects
Wenn-Chieh Tsai
, Elise van den Hoven

Briefing Beyond Documentation: An Interview Study on Industrial Design Consulting Practices in Finland
Seungho Park-Lee
, Oscar Person

Design Case Studies

An Empathic Design Approach to an Augmented Gymnasium in a Special Needs School Setting
Issey Takahashi
, Mika Oki
, Baptiste Bourreau
, Itaru Kitahara
, Kenji Suzuki
